Harness the power

Harness the power – gee, what a phrase. I think we can pull quite a lot out of those three words, especially if we consider them in relation to technology.

Turning to the oracle of all wisdom, a Google search returns the first result: a 2011 article entitled Harness the Power of Technology. Referring to revolutionising teaching and learning, no less! How fitting for an IT in education blog…

This slogan was in fact the theme for Data#3’s 2018 JuiceIT event I attended in Brisbane earlier this week. With a focus on digital transformation – our two favourite buzzwords – the event encouraged conference-goers to “harness the power of people and technology for a better future”. Wow, doesn’t that sound inspiring :). With breakout sessions on topics such as humanising innovation and modernising the data centre, there surely were some great take-home points. But what if we alter that sentence slightly: harness the power of people using technology for a better future.

I could be wrong, but I think that’s where we can really harness the power, focusing on the people using the technology. After all, the technology is just a tool. That’s what I love about being a part of education and bringing technology into that process. Equipping people to bring the transformation of tomorrow is a great incentive to get up in the morning.

Thanks Data#3 for a great event! I’ll definitely be back next year.


PS: …this post comes with a new theme for the site – I must say, I do really like the clean feel. Tweet me your feedback @philmargetts_